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原文I was a Tantric sex slave
总有藏密宗徒说藏密是神圣无上的,藏密真的那么神圣吗?就让我们看看苏格兰宗教哲学家June Campbell亲身经历吧!藉由她的书,《空行母:寻找喇嘛教中女性之定位》,苏格兰宗教哲学家June Campbell打开了许多道让人可以诚实探讨与深入辩论坦特罗密教教义的水闸门。她曾担任过多名西藏喇嘛的翻译员,其中还包括了她后来成为其秘密性伴侣 的卡卢仁波切。在这里我们重现了来自英国独立报the Independent有关她的一份访问报导。

Withher book, Traveller in Space: In Search of Female Identity in TibetanBuddhism, the Scottish philosopher of religion, June Campbell, openedthe floodgates for an honest and sound debate about Tantric Buddhism.She worked as a translator for Tibetan lamas, including Kalu Rinpoche, whose "secret sexual consort" she became. Here we reproduce an article about her from the Independent.

英国独立报-1999年2月10号-记者Paul Vallely

The Independent - 10. February 1999 - Paul Vallely

June Campbell曾经是一位地位崇高的西藏喇嘛的多年性伴侣。她还曾被告知如果违背秘密誓言的话,将遭受死亡诅咒的威胁,但是话说回来,所谓的开悟或许真的脱不了这些事吧?

Foryears June Campbell was the`consort`of a senior Tibetan Buddhist monk.She was threatened with death if she broke her vow of secrecy. But thenenlightenment can be like that.   

又是一双黏土脚吗?不,是人体解剖构造上的另一部分——而且是再肉质不过的一部分——所造成的麻烦。当然,我想读者们应该都不至于会误认坦特罗密教中的双 修性行为会是一种坦率公开的活动,不过话再说回来,当你立誓出家成为一名禁欲的比丘尼时,任何一种形式的性行为想当初都不在你原先的计划中吧。 (※译注:黏土脚:这个名词特别用来喻指某些地位崇高,道貌岸然之人,其实暗中有公众所看不见的弱点或秘密!意味一个人的地位再神圣,站的再高,如果他的 双脚是黏土作的,那么将很容易被打碎,打碎了自然就站不稳,必定要从高处跌下来,既不神圣也不高了!)

Feetof clay? No, it was a different part of the anatomy - and of all toofleshly substance - which caused the trouble. But, I suppose, you don`texpect Tantric sex to be a straightforward activity. Then again, sex ofany kind isn`t really what you`re planning when you become a celibate nun.   

这是,June Campbell在演讲开始时说的,自从她的书出版以来第二次被邀请为这个国家的佛教团体发表演说,《空行母》这本书在三年前问世出版, 而一点也不意外的,她所叙述的主题被当时的宗教界斥为异端,而她所遭受的责难亦可说是无人能过其右。因为在书中她不仅揭露了自己曾是西藏诸多「神圣」修行 人当中,一位转世喇嘛——卡卢仁波切多年的秘密性伴侣,她还坚信这种关系的核心当中所隐藏的权力滥用更足以暴显整个坦特罗密教(即喇嘛教)教义最极核心的 缺失!

Itwas, said June Campbell as she began her lecture, only the second timeshe had been asked to give a talk to a Buddhist group in this countrysince her book. Traveller in Space came out three years ago. Smallwonder. The topic of hertalk was "Dissent in Spiritual Communities", and you don`t get muchmore potent types of dissent than hers. For she not only revealed thatshe had for years been the secret sexual consort of one of the mostholy monks in Tibetan Buddhism -the tulku (re-incarnated lama), Kalu Rinpoche. She also insisted thatthe abuse of power at the heart of the relationship exposed a flaw atthe very heart of Tibetan Buddhism.  

说实在的,乍听之下这真是异端邪说。对外人而言,卡卢仁波切是西藏流亡在外诸多备受崇敬瑜伽师—喇嘛当中的一个。身为自己寺院的住持, 他不仅早发誓禁欲,而且更以曾隐居潜修十四年而备享盛名。他的学生当中,很多都是西藏最高阶层的喇嘛。而正如Ms.Campbell说的:「在西藏社会 中,他的身份地位是无庸置疑的,而所有人也都乐于证明他的神圣不凡。」

Thiswas heresy , indeed. To outsiders, the Rinpoche was one of the mostrevered yogi-lamas in exile outside Tibet. As abbot of his ownmonastery, he had taken vows of celibacy and was celebrated for havingspent 14 years in solitary retreat. Amonghis students were the highest ranking lamas in Tibet. "His own status,was unquestioned in the Tibetan community", said Ms. Campbell, "and hisholiness attested to by all".  

喇嘛教世界这个圈子——不管它在西方时尚圈中已经如何传播开来——本质上都还是一个既封闭又紧密的圈子。尽管Ms.Campbell已经选择将自己的陈述 以一种颇为节制的方式,在她那本极为学术化而又以「寻找喇嘛教中女性之定位」为副标题的书中表达出来,仍然不免在这个封闭的圈子中激起被她形容为「愤怒与 激动的原始流露」的强烈反弹。 「我被痛斥谩骂成一名骗子,一个恶魔!」她在上个礼拜于Sharpham,Devon的无派系佛学研究大学(the nonsectarian College for Buddhist Studies)所发表的那场公开演讲中这样说:「在西藏佛教那个世界里,他是一名圣人。而我对他的揭发就好像是宣称天主教德蕾莎修女也会拍A片一样!」

Theinner circles of the world of Tibetan Buddhism - for all ist spread infashionable circles in the West - is a closed and tight one. Herclaims, though made in a restrained way in the context of a deeplyacademic book subtitled - "In Search ofFemale Identity in Tibetan Buddhism" - provoked what she described as aprimitive outpouring of rage and fury. "I was reviled as a liar or ademon", she said during a public lecture last week at the nonsectarianCollege for Buddhist Studies in Sharpham , Devon. "In that world he was a saintly figure. It was like claiming that Mother Teresa was involved in making porn movies".   

但是,并非因为不敢面对这些反弹,而让她整整等了十八年才出版这本书《Traveller in Space》(Traveller in Space即藏语dakini一辞的英译,dakini是空行母的意思,这个名辞虽然看似颇有诗意,实则不过意指被喇嘛用来当作双修性工具的女人)来揭发 吐露真相。而是整整花了十八年那么久的时间,她才终于能够克服这些经历所造成的创伤。 「有十一年之久我绝口不提这事,等到我决心要把它写下来了,又花了我七年的时间去做研究。我想作的是把我个人的经验以及我对西藏社会中女性所扮演角色的了 解编织联系起来,好让自己能够合理解释过去那些发生在我身上的事。」

Butit was not fear of the response which made her wait a full 18 yearsbefore publishing her revelations in a volume entitled Traveller inSpace - a translation of dakini, the rather poetic Tibetan word for awoman used by a lama for sex. It took herthat long to get over the trauma of the experience. "I spent 11 yearswithout talking about it and then, when I had decided to write aboutit, another seven years researching. I wanted to weave together mypersonal experience with a more theoretical understanding of the role of women in Tibetan society to help me make sense of what had happened to me."  

事情发生经过如下,六零年间嬉皮年代当June Campbell在苏格兰家乡成为佛教徒后,她接着就旅行到印度并在那里出家成为比丘尼。随后她又在一座西藏喇嘛寺庙里待了十年,远比任何一位西方人士都 还深入接近这个信仰中的神秘高层。最后她更成为藏密大师卡卢仁波切七十年代旅游欧美时的随身翻译。 「就是在那之后,」Campbell说,「卡卢仁波切要求我成为他的性伴侣,与他双身共修密法。」

Whathappened was that , having become a Buddhist in her native Scotland inthe hippie Sixties, she travelled to India where she became a nun. Shespent 10 years in a Tibetan monastery and penetrated more deeply thanany other Westerner into the faith`s esoteric hierarchy.Eventually she became personal translator to the guru as, during theSeventies, he travelled through Europe and America. It was after that,she said, that "he requested that I become his sexual consort and takepart in secret activities with him" .Whathappened was that , having become a Buddhist in her native Scotland inthe hippie Sixties, she travelled to India where she became a nun. Shespent 10 years in a Tibetan monastery and penetrated more deeply thanany other Westerner into the faith`s esoterichierarchy. Eventually she became personal translator to the guru as,during the Seventies, he travelled through Europe and America. It wasafter that, she said, that "he requested that I become his sexualconsort and take part in secret activities with him ".


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-8-16 22:10:41 | 只看该作者
只 有一个第三者知道她与卡卢仁波切间的这种关系——一个侍从喇嘛——这个喇嘛也曾在Campbell所形容并参与的那种一女多男西藏密宗双身共修关系中与她 发生过性行为。 「好几年过后,我才醒悟到就我当时所被侵犯与利用到的程度来说,那早已构成是一种对性的剥削与糟蹋了。就年代上来说,坦特罗密教这种双身修法要比正统佛教 (显教)还来的早。而这种思想的来源则可远溯自古代印度教某些教徒所深信的——「在交媾当中男性若能保持精液不漏失,就能增强性爱快感并且延年益寿」。喇 嘛教(喇嘛教)以此为基础,甚至更进一步发展成深信「若将情欲导入修行当中,而非一味排斥情欲」,将可以让修行人加速到达所谓开悟的境界!这种将情欲导入 修行中的方法,在喇嘛教中被视为极端危险而又极端有效,可以让修行人有机会在短短的一世中证悟成道,即身成佛。

Onlyone other person knew of the relationship - a second monk - with whomshe took part in what she described as a polyandrous Tibetanstylerelationship. "It was some years before I realised that the extent towhich I had been taken advantage of constituted a kind ofabuse".The practice of Tantric sex is more ancient than Buddhism. Theidea goes back to the ancient Hindus who believed that the retention ofsemen during intercourse increased sexual pleasure and made men livelonger. The Tibetan Buddhists developed the belief that enlightenmentcould beaccelerated by the decision "to enlist the passions in one`s religiouspractice, rather than to avoid them". The stategy is consideredextremely risky yet so efficacious that it could lead to enligthenmentin one lifetime.

资历浅地位低的喇嘛因为有所受限而只能在冥想当中以观想的方式进行这种男女双身修法,但是正如Campbell书中所陈述的,那些号称「大师」的高层喇嘛 则自认已经达到能够进行真正的男女合体双修而不被情欲污染的境界,在西藏所谓的密续(※译注:特指密宗喇嘛自创的经典,与显教经论不同)中,详细地解说了 这些号称可以控制男性精液能量流动的瑜珈呼吸控制法与其它修行法。所有这些方法的主要目的不外乎「将精液能量(※译注:意为阳性或男性能量,就外在而言, 即表现为男性物质精液。一般人但依常识亦知不可能将精液转移至脊柱乃至头部中!)沿着脊柱往上引导到头部」。一位修行者如果累积越多的男性能量在头部,就 越被视为在智能与心灵上越优秀强壮。

Monksof a lower status confined themselves to visualising an imaginarysexual relationship during meditation. But, her book sets out, the"masters" reach a point where they decide that they can engage in sexwithout being tainted by it. The instructions in the so -called"secret" texts spell out the methods which enable the man to controlthe flow of semen through yogic breath control and other practices. Theidea is to "drive the semen upwards, along the spine, and into thehead". The more semen in a man`s head, the stronger intellectually and spiritually he is thought to be.  


"The reverse of ordinary sex expresses the relative status of the male and female within the ritual."  

此外,在保持自己精液不漏失的情况下,男性甚至还可以藉由吸取双修女伴的淫液而获得额外的精气能量。这种「一般性行为的倒行逆施」,June Campbell说:「正足以说明双身仪轨中男女双方的相对关系地位,因为它清楚表明力量是从女方身上流失到男方的。」(※译注:之所以称为「一般性行为 的倒行逆施」是因为在一般性行为当中,男方最终必将射精漏失精液,亦即所谓损失精气能量!然而密宗双身修法却「倒行逆施」,标榜精液可以不漏失,甚至还能 反向逆引此一男性精液能量上传至头部!)

Morethan that, he is said to gain additional strength from absorbing thewoman`s sexual fluids at the same time as withholding his own. This"reverse of ordinary sex", said June Campbell, "expresses the relativestatus of the male and female within the ritual, for it signals the power flowing from the woman to the man".   

这种双修法中男女地位的失衡是因为喇嘛大师们必定会坚持与他们进行双修的「空行母」严守秘密——其目的不过在于让喇嘛们可以完全掌握这些双修的女伴——而 更形恶化。 JuneCampbell说:「这本书出版以来,我收到不少从世界各地曾遭受相同甚至更恶劣待遇的女性所寄来的信件。」

Theimbalance is underscored by the insistence by such guru-lamas thattheir sexual consorts must remain secret, allowing the lamas tomaintain control over the women. "Since the book was published, I`vehad letters from women all over the world with similar and worse experiences".

活佛 Kalu Rinpoche

那么到底是什么原因让她继续待在卡卢仁波切身旁将近三年之久呢?「个人的威望与地位!」这些与喇嘛上师进行双修的女性相信她们自己是特别而且是神圣的!( ※译注: 因为只有她们能与「神圣尊贵」的喇嘛上师们进行秘密双修,别的女人不能!)她们相信自己正踏入一个神圣的领域。这种神圣领域的踏入将为自己的来世带来好 运,而为了踏入这个神圣领域而与喇嘛上师们裸体进行双修则是对自己信仰忠诚与否的一种考验!这种宗教信仰、性、权力与秘密的混合能够产生一种威力庞大的效 应。结果正是造成一种让人进退两难的精神勒索情况,恰如另一个西藏喇嘛Beru Kyhentze Rinpoch所说的:「如果你自己上师的举止看起来不像一个觉悟者应有的行为,而你又觉得在这种情形下把他视为是一尊佛实在是很假道学的话,那么你应该 记住你自己的想法是不足凭恃的,而你所看到自己上师所犯的那些明显过失很可能正是你自己紊乱不过的心灵所显现的倒影罢了……(要知道)如果你的上师以一种 完美的状态表现举止时,他对你而言将成为遥不可及,而你也将无法与他亲近乃至沟通。所以啊,你的上师之所以表现出种种明显过失其实是出于大慈悲心……他其 实是在为你显现你自己的过失啊!」

Sowhy did she stay for almost three years? "Personal prestige. The womenbelieve that they too are special and holy. They are entering sacredspace. It produces good karma for future lives, an is a test of faith".The combination of religion,sex, power and secrecy can have a potent effect. It creates the Catch22 of psychological blackmail set out in the words of another lama,Beru Kyhentze Rinpoche: "If your guru acts in a seemingly unenlightenedmanner and you feel it would be hypocriticalto think him a Buddha, you should remember that your own opinions areunreliable and the apparent faults you see may only be a reflection ofyour own deluded state of mind...If your guru acted in a completelyperfect manner he would be inaccessible andyou would be able to relate to him. It is therefore out of your Guru`sgreat compassion that he may show apparent flaws... He ist mirroringyour own faults".  

这种精神压力对于那些「空行母」来说,通常因为她们必须发下毒誓保证决不泄漏与上师裸体双修的秘密而随之加强,就JuneCampbell而言,她就曾被 告知如果违誓泄漏她与上师进行裸体双修的秘密的话,「疯狂,灾难甚至死亡」将可能随之降临于她身上!「我被告知说,与我进行双修的卡卢仁波切,在上一辈子 里有个情妇带给他一些麻烦,为了除掉她,他就念咒施术让那位情妇生病乃至最后病重死亡!」

Thepsychological pressure ist often increased by making the woman swearvows of secrecy. In addition June Campbell was told that "madness,trouble or even death" could follow if she did not keep silent. "I wastold that in a previous life the lama Iwas involved with had had a mistress who caused him some trouble, andin order to get rid of her he cast a spell which caused her illnesslater resulting in her death.  

「当我开始解开自己旧心结的同时,我也开始质疑起了一切事。」 她说。这两句话的意思是,她所怀疑的对象已不仅仅是某位喇嘛上师的行为是否正确?而是更进一步的,他的法义思想是否根本就是有问题?她更开始怀疑起整个坦 特罗密教的思想或许根本不过就是个大妄想,而密教无上瑜珈中的男女双修根本也就跟一般男女的裸体作爱毫无两样!她甚至还怀疑起所谓的觉悟到底是否存在?而 静坐冥想那些修行是否有真实意义?「我体认到如果我真的想要重新寻回自我的话,我一定得完全地、彻底地抛开以前所有的那一切!」

Thereare those Buddhists, like Martine Batchelor - who spent 10 years as aZen Buddhist nun in a Korean monastery and who now teaches at ScharphamCollege - who insist the religious techniques the Buddha taught can beseparated from the sexist, patriarchal and oppressive culture of manyBuddhist countries. But June Campbell is not convinced. "You have toask what is the relationship between belief and how a societystructures itself," she said. In Tibetanism, power lies in the hands ofmen who had often been traumatised by being removedfrom their mother at the age of two and taken to an all male monastery."Some were allowed visits from their mothers and sisters but always insecrecy - so that they came to associate women with what must behidden".

Butthere is more to it, she believes than that. Teaching at Sharpham lastweek she gave the students a whole range of material about differentkind of feminism - from the political to the psychotherapeutic. Shethen asked them how it relates to the fact that thereare no female Buddha images or to why in Tantric sex images the womanalways has her back to the viewer, or to why Buddhist women are told topray that they will be reborn into a male body in their next life -foronly in a man`s body can they attain full enlightenment.

"OnceI started unravelling my experiences, I began to question everything,"she said. That meant not just the actions of a particular guru But thevery idea of the guru. She began to wonder whether the Tantra was justa fantasy, and whether thereis really any difference between Tantric sex and ordinary sex. Shequestioned the very concept of enlightenment itself and the practice ofmeditiation. "I realised that in order to be myself I had to leave itall - completely an utterly."

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-8-16 22:11:37 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-8-16 22:13:18 | 只看该作者

节录 首楞严三昧经


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